Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What's your definition of the word???

            Free writing…..What’s your definition? What’s your definition of this or that, or those, them, they, group think? Ingroup? Outgroup??? I’m pondering and really considering doing the definitonal argument of Christianity. More and more, especially recently, I’ve learned that a lot of people have different definitions of what Christianity. For instance, over in the middle east to them anyone from the US, the North of Americas qualifies as a Christian; i.e. Brittany Spears, President Obama, in other words if you speak English to them that means you’re a Christian. Another angle is that today some people I’ve come across think that by simply being “good”, doing “good” things qualifies them as a Christian. So where does this definition diverge from religious aspects? What religions “make-up” Christianity? I know I have some friends who participate in other religions that consider themselves Christians, whereas I wouldn’t really define them as Christians. To me a Christian is someone who believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our salvation, without Him we are lost. I think this would be really interesting to write about. However this might be too much for this definitional argument. Perhaps I need to take another approach. Errr….Because while I do firmly believe in my definition I don’t want it to be this whole cramming of my religion down people’s throats. I want to simply say this is definition A and this is definition B. But I’m not too sure yet how my research would go for this. Do ya know what I mean????? Perhaps I should look at how foreigners look at us “westerners”    : P   
            So in my research I would/could look at the different debates of this topic.
            Hmm what else could I do if I don’t do this one????????? Beauty perhaps? GAH…..
Please comment!!!!!!!!!!

So what I'm saying is that to be a Christian doesn't mean simply going to church or going through the whole religious "process" or "motions". To reiterate my definition is....Christianity: believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, who died on the cross for our sins, and without whom we are lost. The end.

Who knows I might do something completely different, though I would lvoe to still do it on this regardless.

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