Sunday, April 15, 2012

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Monday, April 9, 2012


I think i'll do my final essay on the topic of divorce. Or rather its impact on others, and how it affects relationships an

Next Research Paper....

The bothersome beauty of pigeons…..i really want to do something different, or at least not completely obvious and blatant in today’s world. I want it to be something that after someone read’s it makes that little light bulb ding on their head. That makes them go “oh yea I never thought of it that way”. I could do it in on identity, or loss of identity rather. “I make my badge and wear it too….” I’ve done it on that stuff before in junior year. But now it wouldn’t be based off of a book. And this time around I have a better perspective on what it is, what it means, what it feels like to think you know who you are but not. To lose your identity in this world. Btu what kind of research would I do. I really like psychology I’m pretty sure I want to do it on something like that but….once again that topic seems overkill. Like everyone experiences an identity crisis and discovering or attempting to re-discover who they really are in the grand scheme of things.
I could do it on relationships. How having your parents divorce when you’re a child can relly skrew you over….mmmmmm. The shape of the clouds as they drift by lazily over your head, morphing in and out of recognizable and unrecognizable shapes. Drifting…..personal experiences…divorce, self discovery, marching band, leadership, heart break, identity crisis, gah…..getting lost in a crowd